mardi 20 mars 2012

Best in Slot et Theorycraft

  Hello, it's me again ♫♪


Je t'avais promis une
BiS list,
ça vient là-dessous ! 

J'ai aussi ajouté quelques 
petits calculs basiques du 
Theorycraft Amélio
pour faire plus sérieux.

  Alors, d'abord, si tu ne le sais pas encore : une BiS list est une liste des meilleurs équipements disponibles. Pour ton information personnelle, BiS signifie Best in Slot. Traduit en diagonale ça donne "Le meilleur choix par emplacement" (sous-entendu d'équipement).

  Pourquoi une telle liste? Evidemment parce que tu cherches à atteindre le meilleur DPS possible en raid. Tu pourras grâce à cette BiS list repérer tes objectifs d'équipement, les meilleurs pour toi !

  Pourquoi moi, je te propose un article à ce propos? C'est parce qu'évidemment les quelques malheureux qui se préoccupent du chaman sont anglais et peu nombreux qui plus est ! Mais ce n'est pas tout, ils proposent tous une liste d'équipement comme si on allait tous faire 8/8HM chaque semaine. C'est malin. Enfin, ça viendra, peut-être. J'ai confiance !

  Bref, je vais te proposer plusieurs listes, pour diverses raisons. 

La première sera le BiS Monocible, du dps pur et dur.
La deuxième sera le BiS AoE, qui reste très valable en monocible, et surtout est polyvalent.
La troisième sera le BiS du mode normal, accessible à tous.

1) BiS ElitistJerk, DPS Monocible 8/8HM.

2) BiS Ezotherika, DPS AoE 8/8HM.

3) BiS du pauvre, 8/8NM. 

Note : Tu remarqueras la gemme 20agi/20maîtrise sur la bague. Elle est là pour arriver au palier de maîtrise supérieur. Jette un oeil sur le guide PvE 4.3 si tu as oublié !

Note supplémentaire : Tu prendras note que [No'Kaled, les éléments de la mort] en 390 est mieux que [Etoile du matin de la volonté héroïque] en 397. Ca peut toujours aider ceux qui n'ont pas de chance au loot.

  Bon, c'est pas super beau à cause de l'iframe, mais j'avais vraiment la flemme de m'amuser avec les balises html pour renvoyer sur wowhead. Faut juste que tu fasses gaffe quand tu scrolles, et tout ira bien !

  Alors, je mets de côté le troisième équipement, parce qu'il n'est pas à proprement parler "PvE HL", et je m'attarde un peu plus sur les deux premiers.
  Si tu ne connais pas le programme EnhSim, c'est un petit exécutable qui te permet de calculer le DPS moyen sur boss de raid. C'est pratique, mais très embêtant à utiliser. Quoi qu'il en soit, il permet de faire ce qu'on appelle du Theorycrafting, c'est à dire des simulations précises sur l'optimisation parfaite. Voici les rapports pour le premier équipement :

     Config :
### Saved by v2.7.0 of EnhSimGUI

config_version                  2.7.0
simulation_time                 5000
simulation_time_combatlog       300
combat_length                   7
report_count                    80
threads                         1
combat_length_rng_factor        0.35
min_lag                         250
max_lag                         350
simulate_mana                   1
cast_sr_on_cooldown             0

ep_precision                    2
ep_base_stat                    ap
ep_ap                           200
ep_crit_rating                  100
ep_hit_rating                   -100
ep_expertise_rating             -100
ep_haste_rating                 100
ep_mastery_rating               100
ep_spellpower                   0
ep_dps                          57
ep_mana                         1200
ep_spirit                       100
ep_mp5                          100
ep_intellect                    100
ep_agility                      100
ep_strength                     100

mh_auto_attack                  1
oh_auto_attack                  1
use_bloodlust                   1
always_bloodlust_wolves         0
cast_lvb_only_if_fs_active      1
cast_fs_only_if_dots_left       3
cast_magma_only_if_ticks_left   1
cast_searing_only_if_ticks_left 5
cast_sr_only_if_mana_left       0
use_mana_potion_if_mana_left    1000
use_potion_before_combat        5

gloves_enchant                  -
cloak_enchant                   -
ring_proc                       -
weapon_set_proc                 -

rotation_priority_count         11
rotation_priority1              ST_0
rotation_priority2              SS
rotation_priority3              LL
rotation_priority4              MW5_LB
rotation_priority5              MW4_LB_SW
rotation_priority6              FS_UEF
rotation_priority7              UE
rotation_priority8              ES
rotation_priority9              SW
rotation_priority10             ST
rotation_priority11             MW1_LB

aoe_rotation_priority_count     0

fight_name                      standard_single_target
miss                            8.00
dodge                           6.50
glancing                        24.00
armor                           11977
spell_miss                      17.00
nature_resistance               0
fire_resistance                 0
frost_resistance                0
arcane_resistance               0
shadow_resistance               0

additional_targets              0
additional_target_percent       0.00
additional_target_level         85

armor_debuff                    12.0/12.0
physical_vulnerability_debuff   4.0/4.0
melee_haste_buff                10.0/10.0
crit_chance_buff                5.0/5.0
attack_power_buff_multiplier    20.0/20.0
spell_haste_buff                5.0/5.0
spell_crit_chance_debuff        5.0/5.0
spell_damage_debuff             8.0/8.0
spellpower_buff                 10.0/10.0
percentage_damage_increase      3.0/3.0
stat_multiplier                 5.0/5.0
agi_and_strength_buff           549/549
mana_buff                       2126/2126
mana_regen_buff                 326/326

replenishment                   1
water_shield                    0
mixology                        0

flask_elixir                    flask_of_the_winds
guardian_elixir                 -
potion                          potion_of_the_tolvir
food                            skewered_eel
profession_buff                 -

### Everything in the section below can be replaced by information obtained ###
### from your paper doll stats or exported by the ShockAndAwe addon         ###

race                            draenei
mh_speed                        2.6
oh_speed                        2.6
mh_dps                          786.3
oh_dps                          786.3
mh_crit                         33.05
oh_crit                         33.05
mh_hit                          20.47
oh_hit                          20.47
mh_expertise_rating             546
oh_expertise_rating             546
ap                              18850
melee_haste                     7.94
str                             152
agi                             7530
int                             159
spi                             178
mastery_rating                  1788
spellpower                      10258
spell_crit                      11.02
spell_hit                       16.98
spell_haste                     7.94
max_mana                        25535
mp5                             0

mh_imbue                        windfury
oh_imbue                        flametongue

mh_enchant                      landslide
oh_enchant                      landslide

mh_weapon                       nokaled_heroic
oh_weapon                       nokaled_heroic

trinket1                        vial_of_shadows_heroic
trinket2                        wrath_of_unchaining_heroic

set_bonus1                      t13_battlegear_4
set_bonus2                      -
set_bonus3                      -

metagem                         agile_shadowspirit_diamond

glyph_prime1                    lava_lash
glyph_prime2                    stormstrike
glyph_prime3                    windfury_weapon

glyph_major1                    -
glyph_major2                    -
glyph_major3                    -

armor_type_bonus                1

primary_talent                  enhancement
elemental_weapons               2/2
focused_strikes                 3/3
improved_shields                2/3
elemental_devastation           3/3
flurry                          3/3
static_shock                    3/3
searing_flames                  3/3
frozen_power                    0/2
shamanistic_rage                1/1
unleashed_rage                  2/2
improved_lava_lash              2/2
maelstrom_weapon                3/3

convection                      0/2
concussion                      2/3
call_of_flame                   2/2
reverberation                   0/2
elemental_precision             3/3
elemental_focus                 0/1
elemental_oath                  0/2
lava_flows                      0/3
storm_earth_and_fire            0/3
elemental_mastery               0/1
feedback                        0/3
lava_surge                      0/2
Output :

EnhSim version 2.7.0


miss                695686         6.52%
dodge               0              0.00%
glancing            2560523        24.00%
hit                 2072518        19.43%
crit                5339710        50.05%
average ap          26842.67       
clip                1213997        10.22%
reset               0              0.00%

MH Windfury:
procs/hits          16.39%
procs/swings        15.49%
miss                0              0.00%
dodge               0              0.00%
hit                 2774481        46.99%
crit                3129801        53.01%
average ap          26848.65       

MH Storsmtrike:
miss                0              0.00%
dodge               0              0.00%
hit                 960423         47.15%
crit                1076555        52.85%
debuff              2036978        100.00%

MH Unleashed Weapon Windfury:
miss                0              0.00%
hit                 482447         47.02%
crit                543600         52.98%
average ap          26771.47       

MH No'Kaled Procs:
hit                 833377         79.00%
crit                221581         21.00%
average mastery     1788.00        

miss                697638         6.54%
dodge               0              0.00%
glancing            2559743        23.99%
hit                 2074273        19.44%
crit                5339460        50.04%
average ap          26839.55       
clip                1211301        10.19%
reset               0              0.00%

OH Flametongue:
miss                4048           0.03%
hit                 10703911       78.96%
crit                2848696        21.01%
cooldown            0              0.00%
average sp          14653.42       

OH Stormstrike:
miss                0              0.00%
dodge               0              0.00%
hit                 957166         46.99%
crit                1079812        53.01%
debuff              2036978        100.00%

OH Unleashed Weapon Flametongue:
miss                270            0.03%
hit                 809871         78.93%
crit                215906         21.04%
average sp          14632.92       

OH No'Kaled Procs:
hit                 750082         79.01%
crit                199327         20.99%
average mastery     1788.00        

Earth Shock:
miss                285            0.03%
hit                 430804         43.94%
crit                549276         56.03%
average sp          14651.11       

Flame Shock:
miss                277            0.03%
hit                 715515         78.91%
crit                190999         21.06%
average sp          14671.57       
dots hit            4276986        78.97%
dots crit           1139051        21.03%
average dot sp      14700.03       

Lava Lash:
miss                0              0.00%
dodge               0              0.00%
hit                 725962         46.95%
crit                820239         53.05%
average ap          26869.81       

Lightning Bolt:
miss                1116           0.03%
hit                 1645687        43.97%
crit                2095670        56.00%
average sp          14679.69       

Lightning Shield:
miss                789            0.03%
hit                 1112683        44.00%
crit                1415420        55.97%
average sp          14664.99       

Spirit Wolves:
miss                0              0.00%
dodge               0              0.00%
glancing            1679774        23.98%
hit                 5114425        73.01%
crit                210743         3.01%
average ap          27011.65       

Searing Totem:
miss                3057           0.03%
hit                 8462113        78.96%
crit                2251631        21.01%
average sp          14644.24       

Searing Flames:
hit                 3744391        78.97%
crit                997101         21.03%
average sp          14635.19       

Trinket1 Damage:
miss                0              0.00%
dodge               0              0.00%
hit                 295502         46.98%
crit                333482         53.02%

Maelstrom Weapon:                                 PPM            
MW5 cast            1982415        52.97%         6.61
MW4 cast            500166         13.36%         1.67
MW3 cast            398566         10.65%         1.33
MW2 cast            403514         10.78%         1.35
MW1 cast            457812         12.23%         1.53
proc                17238742                      57.46          
proc lost           2770787        16.07%         9.24
proc clipped        474460         2.75%          1.58
efficiency          81.17%

flurry uptime                      91.66%
elemental devastation uptime       95.03%

stormstrike debuff uptime          99.61%
flame shock uptime                 77.82%
lightning shield uptime            100.00%
searing totem uptime               99.37%
searing flame uptime               92.93%
maelstrom weapon uptime            79.78%
UW Windfury uptime                 16.90%
UW Flametongue uptime              21.69%

mh enchant uptime                  41.82%
oh enchant uptime                  32.52%
potion uptime                      11.89%

Set bonus uptimes:
T13 Battlegear 2 piece             79.78%

                    MRPS without overregen
mana regen          0.02      0.01%
mp5                 25.66     8.99%
replenishment       26.45     9.26%
unrelenting storm   0.00      0.00%
primal wisdom       233.35    81.74%
shamanistic rage    0.00      0.00%
mana potion         0.00      0.00%
misc                0.00      0.00%

                    DPS                 PPM       MPS
white               6643.79   14.01%    71.13
windfury            4297.61   9.06%     6.56
flametongue         3556.21   7.50%     45.19
searing flames      1179.01   2.49%     15.80
stormstrike         4631.36   9.77%     6.79      53.03     20.18%
lava lash           6206.24   13.09%    5.15      20.13     7.66%
searing totem       3595.01   7.58%     1.14      7.78      2.96%
earth shock         865.11    1.82%     3.27      57.42     21.86%
flame shock         1793.87   3.78%     3.02      50.16     19.09%
  direct damage     495.10    27.60%    3.02
  dot tick          1298.77   72.40%    18.05
lightning bolt      6769.02   14.27%    12.47     0.00      0.00%
lightning shield    1542.92   3.25%     8.43      0.00      0.00%
spirit wolves       508.70    1.07%     0.55      6.42      2.44%
  melee             508.70    100.00%   23.35
unleashed elements  1664.88   3.51%     3.42      23.37     8.90%
  MH Windfury       833.89    50.09%    3.42
  OH Flametongue    830.99    49.91%    3.42
No'Kaled            2325.51   4.90%     6.68
  MH Flameblast     459.05    19.74%    1.17
  MH Shadowblast    306.71    13.19%    1.17
  MH Iceblast       458.19    19.70%    1.17
  OH Flameblast     413.91    17.80%    1.06
  OH Shadowblast    275.69    11.85%    1.05
  OH Iceblast       411.96    17.71%    1.05
Trinket1            1845.47   3.89%     2.10

DPS                 47424.73
MPS                 262.72
MP2min              31526.54
MRPS                986.85
Out of mana time    0.00%

elapsed simulation time: 5000.00h
elapsed real time: 24.48s
simulation speed: 735414x

DPS moyen : 47424.73

Second équipement : 

     Config :
### Saved by v2.7.0 of EnhSimGUI

config_version                  2.7.0
simulation_time                 5000
simulation_time_combatlog       300
combat_length                   7
report_count                    80
threads                         1
combat_length_rng_factor        0.35
min_lag                         250
max_lag                         350
simulate_mana                   1
cast_sr_on_cooldown             0

ep_precision                    2
ep_base_stat                    ap
ep_ap                           200
ep_crit_rating                  100
ep_hit_rating                   -100
ep_expertise_rating             -100
ep_haste_rating                 100
ep_mastery_rating               100
ep_spellpower                   0
ep_dps                          57
ep_mana                         1200
ep_spirit                       100
ep_mp5                          100
ep_intellect                    100
ep_agility                      100
ep_strength                     100

mh_auto_attack                  1
oh_auto_attack                  1
use_bloodlust                   1
always_bloodlust_wolves         0
cast_lvb_only_if_fs_active      1
cast_fs_only_if_dots_left       3
cast_magma_only_if_ticks_left   1
cast_searing_only_if_ticks_left 5
cast_sr_only_if_mana_left       0
use_mana_potion_if_mana_left    1000
use_potion_before_combat        5

gloves_enchant                  -
cloak_enchant                   -
ring_proc                       -
weapon_set_proc                 -

rotation_priority_count         11
rotation_priority1              ST_0
rotation_priority2              SS
rotation_priority3              LL
rotation_priority4              MW5_LB
rotation_priority5              MW4_LB_SW
rotation_priority6              FS_UEF
rotation_priority7              UE
rotation_priority8              ES
rotation_priority9              SW
rotation_priority10             ST
rotation_priority11             MW1_LB

aoe_rotation_priority_count     0

fight_name                      standard_single_target
miss                            8.00
dodge                           6.50
glancing                        24.00
armor                           11977
spell_miss                      17.00
nature_resistance               0
fire_resistance                 0
frost_resistance                0
arcane_resistance               0
shadow_resistance               0

additional_targets              0
additional_target_percent       0.00
additional_target_level         85

armor_debuff                    12.0/12.0
physical_vulnerability_debuff   4.0/4.0
melee_haste_buff                10.0/10.0
crit_chance_buff                5.0/5.0
attack_power_buff_multiplier    20.0/20.0
spell_haste_buff                5.0/5.0
spell_crit_chance_debuff        5.0/5.0
spell_damage_debuff             8.0/8.0
spellpower_buff                 10.0/10.0
percentage_damage_increase      3.0/3.0
stat_multiplier                 5.0/5.0
agi_and_strength_buff           549/549
mana_buff                       2126/2126
mana_regen_buff                 326/326

replenishment                   1
water_shield                    0
mixology                        0

flask_elixir                    flask_of_the_winds
guardian_elixir                 -
potion                          potion_of_the_tolvir
food                            skewered_eel
profession_buff                 -

### Everything in the section below can be replaced by information obtained ###
### from your paper doll stats or exported by the ShockAndAwe addon         ###

race                            draenei
mh_speed                        2.6
oh_speed                        2.6
mh_dps                          786.3
oh_dps                          786.3
mh_crit                         31.8
oh_crit                         31.8
mh_hit                          20.48
oh_hit                          20.48
mh_expertise_rating             546
oh_expertise_rating             546
ap                              17455
melee_haste                     3.02
str                             152
agi                             7127
int                             159
spi                             178
mastery_rating                  2678
spellpower                      9600
spell_crit                      9.19
spell_hit                       17.01
spell_haste                     3.02
max_mana                        25535
mp5                             0

mh_imbue                        windfury
oh_imbue                        flametongue

mh_enchant                      landslide
oh_enchant                      landslide

mh_weapon                       nokaled_heroic
oh_weapon                       nokaled_heroic

trinket1                        vial_of_shadows_heroic
trinket2                        wrath_of_unchaining_heroic

set_bonus1                      t13_battlegear_4
set_bonus2                      -
set_bonus3                      -

metagem                         agile_shadowspirit_diamond

glyph_prime1                    lava_lash
glyph_prime2                    stormstrike
glyph_prime3                    windfury_weapon

glyph_major1                    -
glyph_major2                    -
glyph_major3                    -

armor_type_bonus                1

primary_talent                  enhancement
elemental_weapons               2/2
focused_strikes                 3/3
improved_shields                2/3
elemental_devastation           3/3
flurry                          3/3
static_shock                    3/3
searing_flames                  3/3
frozen_power                    0/2
shamanistic_rage                1/1
unleashed_rage                  2/2
improved_lava_lash              2/2
maelstrom_weapon                3/3

convection                      0/2
concussion                      2/3
call_of_flame                   2/2
reverberation                   0/2
elemental_precision             3/3
elemental_focus                 0/1
elemental_oath                  0/2
lava_flows                      0/3
storm_earth_and_fire            0/3
elemental_mastery               0/1
feedback                        0/3
lava_surge                      0/2

Output :

EnhSim version 2.7.0


miss                673801         6.53%
dodge               0              0.00%
glancing            2473046        23.98%
hit                 2151471        20.86%
crit                5015700        48.63%
average ap          25377.55       
clip                1054694        9.28%
reset               0              0.00%

MH Windfury:
procs/hits          16.45%
procs/swings        15.55%
miss                0              0.00%
dodge               0              0.00%
hit                 2790967        48.42%
crit                2972654        51.58%
average ap          25384.78       

MH Storsmtrike:
miss                0              0.00%
dodge               0              0.00%
hit                 991615         48.63%
crit                1047438        51.37%
debuff              2039053        100.00%

MH Unleashed Weapon Windfury:
miss                0              0.00%
hit                 498294         48.39%
crit                531364         51.61%
average ap          25303.56       

MH No'Kaled Procs:
hit                 834789         80.86%
crit                197580         19.14%
average mastery     2678.00        

miss                673317         6.53%
dodge               0              0.00%
glancing            2477165        24.02%
hit                 2151473        20.86%
crit                5011884        48.59%
average ap          25371.72       
clip                1054866        9.28%
reset               0              0.00%

OH Flametongue:
miss                0              0.00%
hit                 10710928       80.81%
crit                2543262        19.19%
cooldown            0              0.00%
average sp          13955.59       

OH Stormstrike:
miss                0              0.00%
dodge               0              0.00%
hit                 987607         48.43%
crit                1051446        51.57%
debuff              2039053        100.00%

OH Unleashed Weapon Flametongue:
miss                0              0.00%
hit                 832175         80.82%
crit                197483         19.18%
average sp          13935.08       

OH No'Kaled Procs:
hit                 750493         80.78%
crit                178580         19.22%
average mastery     2678.00        

Earth Shock:
miss                0              0.00%
hit                 431586         45.86%
crit                509502         54.14%
average sp          13956.74       

Flame Shock:
miss                0              0.00%
hit                 731543         80.85%
crit                173260         19.15%
average sp          13958.84       
dots hit            4320427        80.83%
dots crit           1024633        19.17%
average dot sp      13982.38       

Lava Lash:
miss                0              0.00%
dodge               0              0.00%
hit                 763630         48.50%
crit                810985         51.50%
average ap          25399.50       

Lightning Bolt:
miss                0              0.00%
hit                 1621242        45.79%
crit                1919539        54.21%
average sp          13984.35       

Lightning Shield:
miss                0              0.00%
hit                 1165833        45.83%
crit                1378230        54.17%
average sp          13968.73       

Spirit Wolves:
miss                0              0.00%
dodge               0              0.00%
glancing            1670794        23.97%
hit                 5090205        73.03%
crit                209037         3.00%
average ap          25549.47       

Searing Totem:
miss                0              0.00%
hit                 8671259        80.83%
crit                2057113        19.17%
average sp          13948.14       

Searing Flames:
hit                 3836945        80.81%
crit                910889         19.19%
average sp          13939.04       

Trinket1 Damage:
miss                0              0.00%
dodge               0              0.00%
hit                 303327         48.39%
crit                323521         51.61%

Maelstrom Weapon:                                 PPM            
MW5 cast            1984258        56.04%         6.61
MW4 cast            461660         13.04%         1.54
MW3 cast            356779         10.08%         1.19
MW2 cast            349808         9.88%          1.17
MW1 cast            388276         10.97%         1.29
proc                16882253                      56.27          
proc lost           2859658        16.94%         9.53
proc clipped        400553         2.37%          1.34
efficiency          80.69%

flurry uptime                      90.97%
elemental devastation uptime       93.84%

stormstrike debuff uptime          99.60%
flame shock uptime                 80.46%
lightning shield uptime            100.00%
searing totem uptime               99.34%
searing flame uptime               92.85%
maelstrom weapon uptime            80.00%
UW Windfury uptime                 17.66%
UW Flametongue uptime              22.59%

mh enchant uptime                  40.94%
oh enchant uptime                  31.84%
potion uptime                      11.89%

Set bonus uptimes:
T13 Battlegear 2 piece             80.00%

                    MRPS without overregen
mana regen          0.03      0.01%
mp5                 25.43     9.25%
replenishment       26.17     9.52%
unrelenting storm   0.00      0.00%
primal wisdom       223.14    81.21%
shamanistic rage    0.00      0.00%
mana potion         0.00      0.00%
misc                0.00      0.00%

                    DPS                 PPM       MPS
white               6106.57   13.08%    68.76
windfury            4010.69   8.59%     6.40
flametongue         3554.41   7.61%     44.18
searing flames      1205.64   2.58%     15.83
stormstrike         4412.24   9.45%     6.80      53.08     21.07%
lava lash           6527.69   13.98%    5.25      20.50     8.14%
searing totem       3695.84   7.92%     1.13      7.76      3.08%
earth shock         858.26    1.84%     3.14      55.12     21.88%
flame shock         1826.80   3.91%     3.02      50.05     19.87%
  direct damage     509.35    27.88%    3.02
  dot tick          1317.44   72.12%    17.82
lightning bolt      6597.78   14.13%    11.80     0.00      0.00%
lightning shield    1600.66   3.43%     8.48      0.00      0.00%
spirit wolves       491.52    1.05%     0.55      6.39      2.54%
  melee             491.52    100.00%   23.23
unleashed elements  1657.54   3.55%     3.43      23.45     9.31%
  MH Windfury       796.81    48.07%    3.43
  OH Flametongue    860.72    51.93%    3.43
No'Kaled            2382.70   5.10%     6.54
  MH Flameblast     478.56    20.08%    1.15
  MH Shadowblast    296.24    12.43%    1.15
  MH Iceblast       478.59    20.09%    1.15
  OH Flameblast     431.54    18.11%    1.03
  OH Shadowblast    266.01    11.16%    1.03
  OH Iceblast       431.74    18.12%    1.03
Trinket1            1760.49   3.77%     2.09

DPS                 46688.82
MPS                 251.91
MP2min              30229.45
MRPS                967.53
Out of mana time    0.00%

elapsed simulation time: 5000.00h
elapsed real time: 23.20s
simulation speed: 775962x

     DPS moyen : 46688.82


  On remarque au premier coup d'oeil que le BiS proposé par ElitistJerks est supérieur en monocible. Enfin, du premier coup d'oeil... Si tu n'as pas envie de prendre le temps d'analyser les rapports d'EnhSim, voilà ce qu'il faut retenir :

- BiS ElitistJerks : 
  • Agilité : 7530
  • Maîtrise : 1788
  • Critique : 33.05%
  • Hâte : 7.94%
  • -----------------
  • DPS :  47424.73

- BiS Ezotherika :
  • Agilité : 7127
  • Maîtrise : 2678
  • Critique : 31.8%
  • Hâte : 3.02%
  • -----------------
  • DPS :  46688.82

  Grâce à la maîtrise présente sur le second, celui-ci sera beaucoup plus puissant en AoE, type Yorsahj HM, et moins puissant en monocible pure, type Ultraxion HM. 

  A toi de choisir quelle voie prendre, le mieux étant, bien entendu, d'avoir les deux équipements sous la main en fonction du combat.


  A suivre... Il me manque encore les calculs pour vérifier si ma No'Kaled 403 est meilleure qu'une Morningstar 410. Il me semble, mais ça c'est l'instinct ! Je ferai des calculs précis bientôt. 

  Cya !


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